Category: Voices

CATEGORIES: November 2013, Voices

Of note: news about center students, staff and supporters

The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics is pleased to recognize the accomplishments and activities of its students, staff and supporters: Jenny Barker-Devine, who received a 2006 Catt Prize for Research on Women in Politics honorable mention award, presented her book, “On Behalf of the Family: Iowa Farm Women’s Activism since 1945,” at … Continue reading Of note: news about center students, staff and supporters


September 2013

Rodine gift creates suffrage garden at Catt Hall Women Impacting ISU calendar nominations due Sept. 30 Hughes to share insights about leadership on Oct. 3 Nine students join Catt Center staff Center welcomes 20 Legacy of Heroines scholars Display case highlights Carrie Chapman Catt Center organizing Oct. 3 alumni reunion

CATEGORIES: September 2013, Voices

Women Impacting ISU calendar nominations due Sept. 30

The deadline to submit nominations for the 2014 Women Impacting ISU calendar is Monday, Sept. 30, at 5 p.m. Nomination forms are available on the Catt Center’s website. “Anyone can nominate a current student, faculty or staff member,” said Kristine Keil, public relations/student programs coordinator for the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics. … Continue reading Women Impacting ISU calendar nominations due Sept. 30

CATEGORIES: September 2013, Voices

Center welcomes 20 Legacy of Heroines scholars

Since 1996, the Legacy of Heroines program has provided a number of scholarships to women who seek involvement in and knowledge about the political process and public service. Each scholarship has specific criteria determined by the donor, and all applicants must demonstrate academic achievement and leadership experience. Each student selected receives a one-time scholarship divided … Continue reading Center welcomes 20 Legacy of Heroines scholars

CATEGORIES: September 2013, Voices

Nine students join Catt Center staff

Three graduate assistants and six undergraduate student interns have joined the Catt Center staff for the 2013-2014 academic year. Student interns assist the center in a variety of activities, including the Archives of Women’s Political Communication, Women in Iowa Politics database, Plaza of Heroines, public relations and events planning, and support for the community leadership … Continue reading Nine students join Catt Center staff

CATEGORIES: September 2013, Voices

Hughes to share insights about leadership on Oct. 3

Ambassador Karen Hughes – who currently serves as worldwide vice chair for Burson-Marsteller, a leading global public relations and communications firm – will share her insights on the fundamentals of leadership on Oct. 3 as the fall 2013 Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics. Before joining Burson-Marsteller in 2008, Hughes worked for more … Continue reading Hughes to share insights about leadership on Oct. 3

CATEGORIES: July 2013, Voices

Of note: news about center alumni, students and staff

The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics is pleased to recognize the accomplishments and activities of its alumni, students and staff: Madeline Becker, a senior in political science and history and a Rice-Neville Legacy of Heroines scholar, is spending her summer interning in Washington, D.C., at Share Our Strength, a national nonprofit on … Continue reading Of note: news about center alumni, students and staff