
The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics offers a number of educational resources for K-12 educators and others.

Toward a Universal Suffrage: African American Women in Iowa and the Vote for All – traveling museum exhibit honoring and celebrating the contributions of Iowa’s African American women to the women’s suffrage movement
The Equal Rights Amendment at 100 Years: History and Current Issues – free high school curriculum covering the history and debates surrounding the ERA from the 1920s to the present
19th Amendment Centennial Curriculum – free high school curriculum on the 19th Amendment and the women’s suffrage movement in the United States
Archives of Women’s Political Communication – online archives launched in 2007 devoted entirely to women’s political speech
Carrie Chapman Catt – biography and timeline, including the Carrie Chapman Catt FAQs created from questions asked by middle school students researching History Day projects on Catt or women’s suffrage.
Women’s history resources – links to suffrage-related timelines, curricula, digital collections, women’s history resources, and historical landmarks and sites