Category: Voices

CATEGORIES: November 2023, Voices

Alumni receive recognition

On Nov. 3, a number of notable Iowa State alumni were recognized at the Iowa State University Alumni Association Honors and Awards ceremony at Stephens Auditorium, including a long-time Catt Center friend and donor and two co-recipients of an award named for Carrie Chapman Catt.

CATEGORIES: November 2023, Voices

Catt Center hosts two September lectures

In September, the Catt Center two hosted public lectures – “Women, Power and Rape Culture: The Politics and Policy of Underrepresentation” by Bonnie Stabile and “It’s Not Done: Women’s Constitutional Equality” by Karen Kedrowski.

CATEGORIES: September 2023, Voices

K-12 teacher outreach

On Oct. 16, the Catt Center will be represented at the 2023 Iowa Council for the Social Studies Conference in Iowa City as both a vendor and a presenter, sharing information about the educational resources available through the center.