Scholars at any level may apply, from graduate students to tenured faculty members as well as adjunct faculty and independent researchers.
No, researchers from around the world are eligible.
Yes, proposals may have up to four co-authors.
Yes, but only for new research relating to gender and politics. Proposals may not be submitted for projects that previously received Catt Prize funding.
Proposals may be submitted for new or ongoing research, but the award money should be used only for new expenses, not to reimburse researchers for past expenses.
Catt Prize awards can be used to fund any part of a research project. Examples of how past awards have been used include (but are limited to) hiring graduate or undergraduate research assistants, travel expenses, translation services, survey expenses, and creating a website.
The Catt Prize awards are from private funds that were donated to support research on gender and politics. The Catt Center does not believe they should be treated as a grant with indirect costs associated with the prize, and does not provide indirect costs over the amount of the award.
In accordance with U.S. tax law, Catt Prize awards must be paid directly to the author of the proposal.
Payment for a Catt Prize award or honorable mention is considered income. The recipient will receive a 1099-Misc from Iowa State University and is liable for any taxes assessed.
Awards are paid to only one author per proposal. If you are a co-author on a winning proposal or an honorable mention, your team will be asked which author to disburse the award to, and then your team can decide how to apply that money to your project. The recipient will receive a 1099-Misc from Iowa State University and is liable for any taxes assessed. Please note that all co-authors will be credited as Catt Prize winners or honorable mentions on our website, in publicity materials, and in Catt Center records.
Catt Prize proposals must be submitted through the link provided on the
How to Apply page. This link appears only when the application period is open.
The biographical statement, which has a 750-character limit, should describe your current appointment, professional experience and education. As the review committee does not see the biographical statements before making their decision, it does not need to include a description of your qualifications for the project.
If the award money would cover only part of the expenses of a project, it is helpful to provide a higher-level description of your whole budget with a more detailed breakdown of how the award money would be used.
Proposals are double-blind peer reviewed by a committee composed of faculty members in the disciplines represented by the proposals. While many reviewers are faculty at Iowa State University, the reviewers represent a diverse array of institutions.
Yes. If you are interested in reviewing proposals, please contact the Catt Center at Individuals may not review applications in a year in which they submit a proposal.
The review committee meets in late January/early February to select the winning proposal(s). Authors of both winning and non-winning proposals will then be notified. Information about the winning proposals is posted on the Catt Prize webpage in mid- to late February and announced in the Catt Center’s newsletter in March.
You can include this statement: “This project was funded (in part) by the Carrie Chapman Catt Prize for Research on Women and Politics, awarded in [YEAR].”