Anthony Center for Women’s Leadership at the University of Rochester
The ACWL celebrates women’s achievements at the University of Rochester and in the world, and works to understand and overcome barriers to women’s wider leadership.
Bernard Center for Women, Politics & Public Policy
The Bernard Center for Women, Politics & Public Policy is a research and educational institution whose mission is to fundamentally change the terms of the nation’s most critical domestic and foreign policy debates and challenge the American public, policymakers, and the media to discuss those issues.
Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University
A unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, CAWP is a leading authority in its field and a respected bridge between the academic and political worlds.
Center for Women and Democracy at the University of Washington
The Center for Women and Democracy at the University of Washington works to build a community of diverse women leaders through discussion, education, advocacy, connection, and leadership development.
Center for Women and Politics of Ohio at Baldwin Wallace University
The Center for Women and Politics of Ohio at Baldwin Wallace University is a non-partisan public resource that tells the story of women running for public office in Ohio.
Center for Women in Government & Civil Society at the State University of New York
CWGCS is an academic research and education center that expands opportunities and create possibilities for all students.
Center for Women in Politics & Public Policy at Texas Woman’s University
The Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy prepares Texas women for leadership roles in public service and policy.
Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts Boston
The Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy seeks to promote diverse women’s leadership amd expand the involvement of women in politics.
Center for Women’s Leadership at Portland State University
The Center for Women’s Leadership works to advance the individual and collective practice of transformative leadership in Oregon and beyond.
Center on Women, Gender, and Public Policy at the University of Minnesota
Center on Women, Gender, and Public Policy was the nation’s first comprehensive university research center dedicated to women and public policy.
Clare Booth Luce Center for Conservative Women
The Clare Booth Luce Center for Conservative Women specializes in the conservative outreach, education, and mentorship of young women.
First Ladies Association for Research and Education
The mission of FLARE is to create and sustain a network to promote and publicize research and education about the contributions, lives, impact, and lasting legacy of U.S. first ladies.
Gender and Policy (GAP) Center at George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government
The GAP Center investigates and addresses the underrepresentation of women in positions of influence and power in the public sphere.
Institute for Women’s Policy Research
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that engages in research and dissemination to shape public policy and improve the lives and opportunities of women.
Newcomb Institute
The Newcomb Institute at Tulane University pioneers groundbreaking academic research and training aimed at advancing gender equity.
Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics at Chatham University
The Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics is a non–partisan center devoted to fostering women’s public leadership through education, empowerment, and action.
South Carolina Women’s Leadership Network
The mission of the South Carolina Women’s Leadership Network is to share information, make connections, and encourage engagement in local and state leadership opportunities.
Sue Shear Leadership Academy at the University of Missouri-St. Louis
Sue Shear Leadership Academy is a leadership development program designed to inspire civic engagement and encourage women’s public sector leadership.
Women and Politics Institute at American University
The Women and Politics Institute provides practical and academic training that encourages women to become involved in the political process and facilitates research by faculty and students that enhances our understanding of the challenges and opportunities women face in the political arena.
Women and Public Policy Program at Harvard Kennedy School
The Women and Public Policy Program of Harvard Kennedy School works to advance women and gender equity by creating knowledge, training leaders, and informing public policy and organizational practices.
Women’s Research Institute of Nevada
Housed in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, the institute develops research, education, and outreach programs in support of women.