Why is voting important?
Student voting engagement intern and Andrew Goodman Foundation ambassador Alyssa Rodriguez has a message for young voters: Why Vote?
The Catt Center is dedicated to providing voter resources for students to promote civic engagement at Iowa State University. The center believes the following information is current and factually correct. However, it does not constitute legal advice and it does not supersede any information provided by state or local election officials.
As a college student, you can register to vote either at your home address or at your student address in Ames. You should vote wherever you consider to be home. Be sure to register and vote at only ONE address.
Voting in Iowa
Voting in Other States and U.S. Territories
Finding Information on Candidates
Glossary of Election Terminology
ISU Student Voting Rates – 2018 Midterm Election NSLVE Campus Report (PDF)
ISU Student Voting Rates – 2020 General Election NSLVE Campus Report (PDF)
ISU Student Voting Rates – 2022 Midterm Election NSLVE Campus Report (PDF)
Voting in Iowa
Am I already registered to vote in Iowa?
What does “inactive” voter status mean?
How do I register to vote?
How do I vote?
Upcoming Elections
Helpful handouts about voting in Iowa (PDFs)
2021 Election Law Changes for Iowa Voters
Election Security in Iowa
Registering to Vote and Voting in Iowa
Voting in Iowa: Name Issues
Accessibility and Voting
Am I already registered to vote in Iowa?
You may be! Iowa residents can check to see if they are already registered by visiting sos.iowa.gov/amiregistered.
It is important to check your voter registration status at least one month prior to an election to ensure it has not changed since the last time you voted in Iowa.
You MUST update your voter registration if you:
- Change your name
- Change your address (including moving to a different campus or Ames residence)
- Change party affiliation
What does “inactive” voter status mean?
In 2021, the Iowa legislature passed a bill requiring voters who did not vote in the most recent general election to be marked as “inactive.” Previously, voters had to miss two consecutive general elections to be considered inactive. Voters marked inactive in 2023 are still registered to vote and can vote in any election through 2026.
If you registered to vote in Iowa prior to the 2022 general election, but you didn’t vote in the 2022 election and you haven’t updated your voter registration since then, you should have received a “No Activity” notice from the secretary of state’s office at the address on your voter registration (see sample notice).
You can return your registration to active status by doing any one of these:
- Completing and returning the postage-paid postcard included with the No Activity notice
- Voting in any election in Iowa (in person or absentee)
- Updating your voter registration by the 2026 general election (Nov. 3, 2026)
If inactive voters do not do one of these things, their Iowa voter registration will be canceled after the November 2026 election and they will have to re-register to vote in Iowa.
To check your voter registration status, visit sos.iowa.gov/amiregistered.
How do I register to vote?
In Iowa, you can pre-register or register at the poll (on Election Day or when early voting). It is much easier and highly recommended to pre-register. The pre-registration deadline is 15 days before the election in which you wish to vote (Oct. 21 for the Nov. 5, 2024 general election).
Voter Registration Process in Iowa (video)
Pre-registration (highly recommended)
To register before Election Day, you may:
- Register online if you have an Iowa driver’s license or non-operator ID.
- Download and complete a State of Iowa Official Voter Registration Form and return it to your county auditor’s office.
- If you are registering in Story County, download and complete the form provided by the county auditor – no postage is required when returning it.
Pre-registration must be done at least 15 days before the election in which you wish to vote. When using the printed request form, make sure you sign the form, and allow at least five days for mail delivery.
You should receive your voter registration card from your county auditor within two weeks. This card is required at the polls if you do not have an Iowa’s driver’s license or non-operator ID. If you do have an Iowa’s driver license or non-operator ID, your voter registration card is not required at the polls and is instead for informational use only (polling location, ID requirements).
Registering at the poll (same-day voter registration)
If you register on Election Day or when early voting at the county auditor’s office or a satellite voting location, you must bring both a proof of identify and a proof of residence to your polling place.
Proof of identity must be a photo ID that is current, valid, and contains an expiration date. Any of the following will work:
- Iowa driver’s license
- Iowa non-operator ID
- Out-of-state driver’s license or non-operator ID
- U.S. passport
- U.S. military or veteran ID
- Employer ID card
- Tribal ID
- High school or college ID card IF the card includes a photo and expiration date
Your proof of residence must contain your name and address, be current within 45 days, and be one of the following:
- Your photo ID from the list above, if it contains your current address
- Residential lease (term of lease must be current)
- Utility bill (electric, water, cable, cell phone, etc.)
- Bank statement
- Paycheck
- Government check
- Other government document
- Property tax statement
- Local address in Workday (In your Workday profile, look for the “Contact” link along the left side of the screen. When you click on that link, the screen will show both your home address and your school address.)
Please note that proof of address may be shown in electronic format (i.e., local address in Workday) but proof of identity cannot.
How Do I Vote?
You can vote in person on Election Day, absentee in person at the county auditor’s office or at a satellite voting station (early voting), or by absentee ballot by mail.
Absentee Voting in Iowa (video)
What Iowa Voters Need to Know on Election Day (video)
Do I need an ID to vote?
Yes. Iowa voters are required to show an ID when voting in person.
Valid forms of identification include:
- Iowa voter ID card
- Iowa driver’s license
- Iowa non-operator ID
- U.S. passport
- U.S. military ID or veteran’s ID
- Tribal ID/document
- High school or college ID card IF the card includes a photo and expiration date. If your Iowa State ID was issued before June 1, 2020, it CANNOT be used because it does not include an expiration date. New IDs can be purchased at 0530 Beardshear Hall.
A voter without one of these forms of ID may have their identity attested to by another registered voter in the precinct. Voters without the necessary ID or an attester will be offered a provisional ballot and can provide ID up until the Monday after Election Day for primary and general elections.
Please visit the Iowa secretary of state’s Voter ID FAQ for more information on voter ID requirements.
Voting absentee by mail
You may submit a State of Iowa Official Absentee Ballot Request Form to your county auditor starting 70 days before an election. The request form must be received by the county auditor no later than 5 p.m. 15 days before the election (please allow at least five days for mail delivery). We recommend providing your phone number and/or email address in the event the county auditor needs to confirm any information on the request form. The auditor’s office will then mail you an absentee ballot.
After receiving and completing your ballot, follow the instructions included with the ballot to return it in the postage-paid return envelope. In Iowa, absentee ballots must be received at the county auditor’s office by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Track the status of your ballot
Absentee ballots CANNOT be forwarded. If you move before your receive your ballot, please CALL your county auditor to either cancel the ballot or have a new one issued.
If you received an absentee ballot but did not return it and you wish to vote in person at your student address instead:
- If your absentee ballot is from Story County, take it to your Ames polling place and surrender it, and then you can register and vote in person at the polling place.
- If your absentee ballot is not from Story County, contact that county auditor’s office to have the ballot voided, and then mail it back to them as spoiled. You can then register and vote in person at your Ames polling place.
Voting absentee in person at the auditor’s office
You may cast an absentee ballot in person at your county auditor’s office starting 20 days before the election. You must cast the ballot at the auditor’s office; you cannot take it home. Don’t forget your voter ID!
In-person absentee voting is not available on Election Day unless the polls open at noon. If the polls open at noon, you may cast an absentee ballot at the county auditor’s office from 8-11 a.m. on Election Day.
Voting absentee in person at a satellite voting station
Some county auditors host satellite voting locations where voters registered anywhere in that county can cast an absentee ballot in person before Election Day. Don’t forget your voter ID!
To find out if your county auditor is hosting a satellite voting station, contact your local county auditor’s office.
Voting on Election Day
On Election Day, you will vote at the polling place for your precinct. You can vote ONLY at the polling place for your precinct (not just at any campus polling place), so make sure you know where it is!
For primary and general elections, polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you are in line by 8 p.m., you will be allowed to vote. Don’t forget your voter ID!
Story County voters: Find your polling place on this map
Upcoming Elections
Date | Election |
See what’s on the ballot at your precinct
Voting in Other States and U.S. Territories
If you are from another state and wish to vote in that state, please check the state student guides at Campus Vote Project or the ALL IN to Vote website for the federal government’s Voting and elections webpage for information about voting in your state.
Citizens from Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands can register to vote in Iowa (and vote for president quadrennially). Residents of American Samoa are not eligible to vote for president unless they go through the naturalization process.
Information for voters from the territories can be found here:
Puerto Rico: https://ww2.ceepur.org/Home/Index?aspxerrorpath=/es-pr/Paginas/default.aspx
Guam: https://gec.guam.gov/
U.S. Virgin Islands: https://www.eac.gov/voters/register-and-vote-in-your-state
American Samoa: https://aselectionoffice.gov
Northern Mariana Islands: https://www.votecnmi.gov.mp
Registering to Vote in Other States (PDF)
Finding Information on Candidates
To find nonpartisan information about candidates, visit these resources:
You can also check candidate websites, attend local events, and watch debates to understand candidates’ positions. Engage with campus political organizations and seek out diverse perspectives to make an informed decision.