Registration for the two virtual 2025 Ready to Run® Iowa workshops that will be held on Feb. 21 opens in just one week.
Ready to Run® Iowa, a nonpartisan campaign training program offered every other spring by the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, consists of six workshops held over three Fridays in February, March, and April. The workshops offer participants the skills they need to run for office and serve effectively across party lines.
“Ready to Run is a nonpartisan program,” said Carrie Ann Johnson, associate director of outreach and communication for the center and coordinator of the Ready to Run Iowa program. “There is strength in uplifting the skills of people with ideas and solutions over any specific ideology.”
Although some of the workshops address topics unique to women as they seek greater participation in the political process, the training is open to anyone.
“When we talk about representation in government, we’re really talking about making sure our laws and policies reflect the full range of American experiences and challenges,” Johnson said. “It’s about having decision-makers who have firsthand experience with the issues politicians are trying to solve. We always need to consider whose perspectives might be missing from our most important policy debates.”
The Feb. 21 workshops will cover ways to get involved in politics and insights into making the decision to run for office. The afternoon workshop will also have a session with two former members of Congress from the Congress to Campus program who will discuss bipartisanship and public service.
The agendas for the February workshops are:
Getting Involved in Politics — 9-11:30 a.m.
– Overcoming doubts or anxiety
– Serving on boards and commissions
– Finding a race
Deciding to Run — 1-3:30 p.m.
– Iowa election laws
– Message from Congress to Campus
– Women’s campaign experiences
The March 28 workshops, also held virtually, will cover launching a campaign and campaign fundraising. The April 25 workshops, held in person at Iowa State University’s Reiman Gardens, will cover campaign messaging and talking with constituents and will include a networking lunch between the morning and afternoon workshops. The agendas for the workshops are posted on the Catt Center website, with more information being added as it becomes available.
Registration is required for all six workshops, but is free for the February and March virtual workshops. The $25 registration fee for each of the April workshops covers lunch and refreshments and is waived for Iowa State students. Registration opens one month prior to each workshop date. The registration link will be posted on the Catt Center website after registration opens for each set of workshops.
If you would like to be added to the Ready to Run Iowa mailing list and get the registration links sent to you the day each registration period opens, please email the Catt Center at