Updated 19th Amendment Centennial curriculum added to Catt Center educational resources

CATEGORIES: July 2024, Voices

Screenshot of the cover page of the 19th Amendment Centennial curriculumThis summer, the 19th Amendment Centennial curriculum developed in 2019 by Judy Dirks and Sue Johannsen, two member of the Iowa 19th Amendment Centennial Commemoration Committee, was updated by Karen M. Kedrowski, director of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, and added to the Catt Center’s educational resources on their website.

The updates to the curriculum were focused on providing more information about suffrage in Iowa, but also include some additional background information in several of the lessons.

“Updating and revising this curriculum was a labor of love,” Kedrowski said. ”The Catt Center is honored to provide women’s history resources to Iowa educators.”

Other educational resources available through the Catt Center include “The Equal Rights Amendment at 100 Years: History and Current Issues,” a free high school curriculum covering the history and debates surrounding the ERA from the 1920s to the present; “Toward a Universal Suffrage: African American Women in Iowa and the Vote for All,” a traveling museum exhibit honoring and celebrating the contributions of Iowa’s African American women to the women’s suffrage movement that is available for display at organizations and events around the state; and the Archives of Women’s Political Communication, an online archives housing speeches and campaign advertising of historical and current women political figures.

More information about each of these resources is available on the Catt Center website at https://cattcenter.iastate.edu/education.