2024 Catt Prize deadline is Nov. 17

CATEGORIES: July 2024, Voices

The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics is accepting submissions for the 2024 Carrie Chapman Catt Prize for Research on Women and Politics through Nov. 17.

This annual competition is designed to encourage and reward scholars embarking on significant research in gender and politics. Since the first prize was awarded in 1995, a total of $166,000 has been awarded to 144 research projects.

Research projects submitted for prize consideration may address any topic related to gender and politics. This includes proposals in the areas of civic education and engagement and in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Scholars at any level may apply, from graduate students to tenured faculty members as well as adjunct faculty and independent researchers.

The prize includes a $2,500 cash award for each project selected. Honorable mention prizes of up to $1,200 per project may also be awarded.

To be considered for the 2024 prize, applicants must complete the submission form available on the Catt Center website by Nov. 17, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. CST. Winners will be announced and awards disbursed in February 2025.

The Catt Center also seeks to widen its pool of reviewers. If you are interested in serving on the review committee, please contact Karen M. Kedrowski, Catt Center director, at cattcntr@iastate.edu. Graduate students, faculty members and independent scholars from all social science and humanities disciplines are welcomed.