A national program to encourage and train college women to run for student government and political office, Elect Her, will be at Iowa State on Saturday, Jan. 23.
During this free one-day training workshop, participants will learn and practice hands-on campaign skills, hear from inspiring speakers and discuss research on women in government. The skills learned in this workshop, such as networking and developing an elevator speech, will transfer to many leadership opportunities throughout the participants’ lives beyond student government. Iowa State students who are not currently planning to run for office are also encouraged to attend.
“We are thrilled to be hosting Elect Her at Iowa State. It is an amazing opportunity for our university’s women to learn more about participating in government both while they are in college and after they’ve graduated,” said Kelly Winfrey, ISU Elect Her campus administrator.
Elect Her is a national program organized by the American Association of University Women and Running Start, a nonprofit that brings women into politics. This is the first year Iowa State University has hosted this program and is one of only 50 colleges selected from across the United States. The ISU workshop is sponsored by the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics and the Ames AAUW.
This workshop is free and open to undergraduate and graduate students. Snacks and lunch will be provided. Registration is required and seating is limited.
Speakers will include Kristin Lang, an AAUW facilitator with the national Elect Her program; Iowa state Rep. Lisa Heddens; members of ISU’s Student Government and a campaign communication expert.
To register, email kwinfrey@iastate.edu with your name and major by Friday, Jan. 15.
“We also ask ISU faculty, staff and students to ask a female student they know to attend the workshop,” Winfrey said. “Women are more likely to engage in politics when someone encourages them.”