Women in Public Office – Municipal

Fact Sheets (PDFs)

Gender Balance Project: City Boards 2023-2024 Data Summary (3/1/2024)
Women Running for Iowa Citywide Government 2023 (1/02/2024)
Gender Balance Project: City Boards 2021‐2022 Data Summary (12/14/2022)
Gender Balance Project: Municipal Boards 2019-2020 Data Summary (5/16/2020)
Women Running for Iowa Citywide Government 2019 (4/22/2020)
Women in Iowa Municipal Government 2018 (10/26/2018)
Gender Balance Project: City Boards and Commissions 2018 Data Summary (9/14/2018)
Gender Balance Project: City Boards and Commissions (6/6/2016)
Gender Balance Project: City Boards and Commissions (5/5/2014)
Women Serving on Municipal Boards and Commissions in Iowa (7/13/2016)
Women in Iowa Municipal Government 2012
2013 Iowa Municipal Election: Women Candidates

Graphs (PDFs)

Gender Balance Project: City Boards 2013-2022 (12/9/2022)
Gender Balance Project: Municipal Boards 2013-2020 (5/18/2020)
GBP Summary by City Board 2013-2018 (2/5/2019)
GBP City Boards and Commissions 2013-2018 (2/5/2019)

Map (PDFs)

Gender Balance Project: Gender-balanced Counties and Municipalities Map

Information on this website, including but not limited to fact sheets, graphs, and reports, can be used for non-commercial purposes, provided that clear and visible credit is given to the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women in Politics at Iowa State University. Any information used must include proper citations of that information. Commercial reproduction requires prior permission in writing from the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics.